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Monday, December 24, 2012

Dill Pickles Chips


Pickle Chips from Farm Ridge Foods are excellent pickles. At first i was unshore about them but, i changed my mind after having more. Once i started eating them i couldn't stop! They have a really good taste. Maybe it is because i usually like garlic pickles. I don't know! It is nice to have a change in taste. Once in a while you just need something new. I think that is why i liked them. So if you are looking for a change in taste i would try these pickles. Have FUN!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Puckers Gourmet

       Puckers Gourmet pickles are really good pickles! They have several kinds of pickles like, 1/2 sour garlic pickles, dilly sweet, super full garlic. I really liked these pickles when i tryed them. They were just good! You will know when you try a good pickle. I couldn't stop eating them.  If really liked these pickles i would also try the Kim Chi. I thought it was pretty good. If you want to buy any of them i would go to there website. Which is
If anyone who reads Picky Pickles would like to suggest a kind of pickle or wants to send in there own recipe, it would be great! 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Vermont Pickles

Vermont Pickle Dills are really really good pickles.
If i were to rate them i would give them a 10!
Michele Carson makes good pickles. She also makes Hot Carrots and Snap Peas.
I would recommend these to everyone. I couldn't stop eating them. You can check out these pickles
at! I hope you do!
I think Rufus is tired of pickles or doesn't really like them so i will stop
trying to get him to eat them. I though will try any pickle even if it is hot.
You could call me the pickle queen. I can't wait to see if you (my readers) will try them and if you do
write a comment!  

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Natures Place Organic Pickles

These pickles are delicious!   Natures Place Organic Pickles or Kosher Spears
are very good they have a slight salty taste but, they have few ingredients witch means they are pretty good for you. If you don't mind a salty taste then you would love these!
I could eat these all day!
I hope you will try these because they are good and they are good for you!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Puckers Gourmet Pickles

Puckers Gourmet Pickles  are very good. Puckers has several good kinds of pickles too or other things. For example

  • 1/2 sour horseradish pickles
  • sweet pickles
  • kimchi
  • 1/2 sour pickles
and more...

These would have to be my favorite too.
I strongly recommend  these to all pickle lovers.
I hope you will try these.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lemon Pickles

Sechler's Sweet Lemon Pickles  have a very interesting taste. I have never had a lemon pickle and i was very surprised. Rufus did not like these i think the lemon taste was to surprising for him. I thought  they were pretty good myself.  I hope  you try these pickles or try to make them. Some homemade pickles are good.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hot Pickles

These pickles were the hottest pickles i have ever had!!!!
There are chunks of HOT peppers floating around in it.
If i had to rate these pickles these would have to be my # 1
hottest. If you like HOT HOT HOT HOT pickles then you should try these.
I did not make Rufus try these i am pretty sure he would not
like them.